Monday, September 30, 2013

Lily-rose Pulled The Plug

No one will ever know why Lily-rose took her life over. I repeat no one! In spite of all the back and forth- he says, she says going down the street. The words of mouth and with all the rumors surrounding the case, which could easily sort out a nice thick novel for the front shelf- However, reality stands- no one will ever find out! Inside the four square halls of her bedroom, right in the middle of the floor Lilly-rose was bared and covered in blood. Oh my heart ripped! My skin shivered! That was a shocker! And her lifeless body was laid in a pool of blood just like something that would spot in a Hollywood scene. And when I say blood... It was a very disturbing scene. Beefy red blood coming from her mouth and her ears, which caused many stomachs crawled, eyes turned away and pondered heart. There was a standing mirror across the body that I imagine- if only there could be a way to retrieve what had happened in this room from this flawless glass. But it couldn't and wouldn't rewind the scenario. So I left with the reflection of a terrible scene with a beautiful victim. As the undertaker placed Lily-rose in the maroon bag; I was hoping he wouldn't zip it all the way to her face. And when I heard one of the enforcement crew-members from the back said out-loud to the undertaker on his way out. “We have an order for autopsy.” I felt like my body took an instant plunge, under horrific water, unable to breath, see and all I could hear was the rhythmic sound of the sea. My mind, couldn't bear the thought of which they were about to scar Lily-rose perfect body. Even after her body left the premises, and so everybody was gone. I stood in the room looking around; trying to re-enact in my mind, how this whole thing went down. So you should know Lily-rose was only been married for three years and there were two children involved. In a situation like this, the spouse is usually gotten bombarded with many questions and scanned under the microscopic lens. As I continued to assess the room, I spotted those women’s magazines on the night stand table, two gorgeous gowns and their price tags were untouched laid on top of a wooden chair, a beautiful set of silver necklace well aligned aside of a duffel handbag and a fine pair of handmade shoes with glitters design on the front. Then, the voice inside my head struck me. “Lily-rose wanted life!” My critical assessment of perceived foul play- I stared at the mirror on the wall hoping for an answer to pop up. Through the window from the outside, a crispy sunlight was shone behind the lace curtain. However, the inside of the room was dull and so full of sorrow. Her blood on the floor will remain a perpetual stain. Later in the week the result of the law enforcement, identified Lily-rose had allegedly committed suicide- due to the autopsy revealed a bunch of peels ingested and found in her stomach. I must admit that it was difficult to picture Lily-rose as someone who would want to end her life. And so many lingering questions began to unravel... With a blank, A stared, A stony silence followed by a scream. How could you? How could you, Lily-rose? What's going to be left of the children? Were you being abused? Were you under any form of physical aggressions? Why did you isolate yourself away from friends and family? Were you depressed? Were you trying to strike out at someone who has been hurting you? Simply were you trying to cry out for help? If so... Couldn't you break silence? You coward, you coward Lily-rose! Not even a suicide note... Enough already! Instead of bashing poor Lily-rose-. She’s not here to defend herself and will never be. Could it be someone flushed those pills down her throat to make it seem differently? Lily-rose was a kind-hearted soul- she would take off the shirt off her back in order to warm up someone else’s back. It wasn't hard for anyone to fall in love with her. On the other hand, she had difficulty to validate her own feelings and perceptions and made her point across. She had no sense of self-worth. She was the kind of person that struggles to identify the pattern of an abusive relationship. Suicide is related to relationship crises, high degree of internal and external stresses. And when in a relationship, your spouse isolates you from others. Suicide often makes the last call. As the writer and lifelong friend of the deceased, my thoughts will never be at peace. Knowing, in that room, somewhere behind the closed walls and deep within that standing mirror holds the answer- what causes Lily-rose to take her life over?
**In memory of my beloved friend 'Jenny' You were not just a friend, but a sister-friend. I shall never forget you! May you butterfly around my home in the power of the spirit realm!**

Monday, September 9, 2013

Starting Point

Every writer has a starting point, whether it's a first novel, novella or so. Every writer ought to begin somewhere. I wrote my first novel when I was in 1st year of secondary school. At that time, I was really young, and those lines were written in French. Now, you probably wonder if I finished this written material? Yes, I did. It took me three notebooks to finish because it was handwritten. Then again, you probably want to know about the writing quality right? Well, it's as if I could read your mind. At the time, I finished this project I was thrilled and beyond myself; because I wrote and completed my first novel.

If I should tell you, this project was never published. It was stored in the drawer to gather dust with some other writings. Now as I look back through these pages- the writing was sucked beyond comprehension. However, it still feels good to know that I started and finished.

My main point is: Once you start on a writing project make sure you finish it.

Practice makes perfect- no one can master at something on the first try out.

Writing is fun. You shouldn't be scared to write. And don't let others discourage you either.

Now... Pick up that notebook, go to your laptop, PC and anywhere comfortable start writing the little story inside your head that has been wanted to come out. I'm pretty sure there's one somewhere. You just have to let your fingers take the lead.

Remember for visual practice: think of a picture, a daily scene, a place where you have been in the past. Now all you have to do- close your eyes recreate these imageries and make them your own because your writing must be authentic.

Listening practice: close your eyes, think of a tree how the leave makes sounds. The sound of a metal object falls on the wooden floor, laminated floor, cement floor tiles, carpet flooring and so forth... Don't forget the fact, that part of writing is listening.

For characters sounds and voices- think of the people you meet so far, your family members, friends, teens, adolescents, children and babies. Your job, is to identify their tone, level of energy when talking, rate of vibration(pitch) , Again, close your eyes recreate the sounds, so that you can choose the right voice for your characters. Remember- your writing must be authentic. You are going to use these techniques in character development. Matters like pacing and foreshadowing are extremely important when writing a novel, which I will bring up in later post.

Merry writing! Emoji