Thursday, November 28, 2013


In homage of thanksgiving day, we all come together as families and friends to professing our faith to the higher-power. It's also a day, in which we reflect on all things, and everything that we have to be thankful for. As we celebrate thanksgiving- we evaluate our grace, we think of the lonely hearts, for those in sorrow and we mourn for the departed. I give thanks to the gracious Man above who has given me so much.
Happy thanksgiving to all!

Friday, November 22, 2013

~*~I'm of Destiny~*~

I’m the product of what he had written for centuries ago. A figment of his visions, the rest are yet to come. An envoy with a different portrait among so many- Thu my perspective and intention are of his directions. I’m no fairy tale whether than you think of me. I’m no imagination of what your thought may seem. I’m human, rather say a flesh, with dust and breathe he created us both. By now, you should acknowledge that I can’t be gone with the blink of an eye. Upon his will I’m leading this nation. Your impertinence onto me, hurt him more than you may have thought. Your plots verses me, have raised good patriotic concern from many Now, all the union crews are on the verge of dissension. I'm of destiny and by all means-  He's to charge. I know nothing of my past, present and future. I know nothing from the string of my hair through the tip of my toe. One thing I know he cast me a vote and so I’m a voice among you all. © 2011 by _Patricia Etienne All rights reserved

Monday, November 11, 2013

~*My Hat Off*~ #VeteransDay

To you I salute To you I honor Vigorous, bravery So visceral Take the stand Lead, lead the way Without looking back Images of The loved ones in their mind Although, With bloated hearts Stand by the oath Unknowing If there would ever be A home coming, Or see a next daylight March, march to defend Serve, protect, Keep the country pride Through smoke, dust, Mud, scorpions, snakes Lead, March the way Through torrent, winds Sleep on naked floor camouflage into the woods Step on their comrade's bodies- Swim in their blood Onwards, march Dig into the hole Reach, grasp Sealed the reason The cause is fulfilled Rise, wave the flag Victory proclaims Soldiers, you're my heroes Fallen and alive Your acts are forever gratified For every breath of my freedom To you I forever salute! To you I endlessly give honor! © 2011 by _Patricia Etienne All rights reserved This poem is dedicated to all soldiers who fought for a good cause. May their souls of their passed rest in peace, May those who survived forever receive honor and may you all at once be recognized for your brave hearts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When depression climbs up the wall

~~1~~ Down and under Below black skies Heavy clouds follow As though with legs Clomping the air road Striving to escape as always try But… Down and under Rain water burns ~~2~~ Down and under Where light is gloomed Each step forward Is found to go backward Exhale a heavy cry Who’s there to hear Only… the voice echoing The woods to sink down deeper ~~3~~ Down and under Shoulders shrug down Sleepy eyes unable to open Within the four walls Darkness is glorified Light becomes the intimate enemy Only… Sweet taste commands the stomach walls Marriage is made with the fluffy blanket ~~4~~ Down and under Does not rhyme with shine Snow cascade from skies to heart Unable to reason or to smile Tearful eyes relieve pain Feelings of worthless invade soul Now… Suicidal thoughts take over Grim reaper Deep feet under makes the last move Note from Author: Depression is a serious disease. Allow yourself to see the symptoms and be proactive © 2011 by _Patricia Etienne All rights reserved

On life

Life is all about dealing with real baggage. Your job is to stand it, face it and suck it up. Just think of it this way- life is a constant challenge. You build your purpose and make it worth living. Or else, you'll remain on the dark side of depression. Love life!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

On writing

Poetry is the voice that comes from deep within, and there's no right and wrong how to raise this language of art. It’s all depending on how the message struck the conscious mind. Poetry is the natural prayer of the poet